New Heights Fitness

Restorative Aerial Yin Yoga
with Raileigh

March 7 (Friday)
at 6:00 pm

Class length
60 minutes

New Heights Fitness

spots left

~Restorative Aerial Yin Yoga- Each pose in restorative aerial yin yoga is held for 3-5 minutes, it is called Yin Yoga because it harnesses the lunar, more fluid and feminine qualities in the body by nourishing our connective and fascia tissue that calls for softening and stillness.

  • The reason behind these longer holds is because our goal in this class is to target our fascia. It takes 3-5 minutes to relax our fascia that is commonly surpassed in stretching due to time limitations or having muscle engagement during a session of stretching.

~Please wear the following items:
  • Socks
  • Leggings
  • A t-shirt
  • Please bring water :)

Class Structure:

  • Opening meditation

  • RAYY poses (restorative aerial yin yoga)

  • Closing meditation


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